On salads
I've spent most of my life very firmly in the "I don't understand eating raw leafs" camp. Last week, 3 days into a heatwave, my roommate offered me half of her salad kit. I gave it an obligatory try but didn't expect anything to change. My friends, some breaker in my brain flipped; I'm not sure anything has ever felt as fresh and relieving as chewing on some saucy lettuce while our apartment pushed high-90s–100°F.
That said, I'm far more of a cabbage bitch. There's also ranch and feta in here for my fat content, I absolutely adore both.
I also categorically do not like raw tomatoes on a textural basis; I can't deal with squishy, slimy, wet textures very well. I opted to try these sweet strawberry tomatoes, and this ratio of skin to flesh combined with the sweeter flavor works for me so much better.
Salads finally conquered!