Protein pancakes
I've been toying around with a protein pancake to make them not taste weird or grainy. I don't think it's possible to make them as soft as a normal pancake, but I've gotten them fluffy and creamy. I add very little sugar so they go great with my flavored Greek yogurts.
The secret is my blend of protein powders: a combination of pea protein and casein. I turn to pea protein when I want to supplement my protein because I have problems with lactose and whey powder, and I find pea to be the most neutral flavor of the vegan proteins, but it's got the traditional kinda grainy texture issue. Casein is like whey in being a lactose protein, but it makes everything aggressively creamy, so I find casein and pea protein to cover each other's weaknesses.
The other secret is that I use an equal amount of buttermilk and oatmilk. I love buttermilk recipes, but 100% buttermilk makes the batter too thick and unlikely to cook all the way through. Half strikes a good balance.